The men's bathroom is a veryyyy different place

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This brings up the feels. There is something beautiful about that moment when someone's dress is torn and everyone is going through their purses finding abandoned safety pins MacGyvering outfits back together or when a stranger is crying and everyone there instantly is on her side or when someone starts her cycle unexpectedly and there starts a chain game where everyone is asking each other for supplies.

I like how you notice the nurturing in those moments as practice or expression. It is a good and kind observation.

Now if only someone would make a stall without a gap in the hinges that someone can stick their head through. Loo friendships are one thing but no one needs to see all the goods.

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This made me smile & laugh big time, and tear up a little at the end. I’ve connected with so many beautiful drunk souls in public bathrooms: they are memories to be had. I love love private bathrooms also, for privacy. And pooping.

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